Protecting the 2nd Amendment
A lifelong hunter, sportsman and national leader on Second Amendment issues in Congress, Richard knows the Second Amendment is America’s First Freedom. Richard vigorously defends the rights of all law-abiding citizens to keep and bear arms and was honored to previously be the only Congressman invited to address the NRA with President Donald Trump.
Richard has successfully defended against efforts to ban green tip ammunition, overreaching gun control bills, and led the U.S. House to pass what was called “the biggest guns rights boost since the ratification of the Second Amendment” – his Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act. Richard continues to fight to expand concealed carry reciprocity and ensure law-abiding concealed carry permit holders do not become criminals when crossing an invisible state line.
Additionally, Richard has led efforts to push back against stabilizing brace regulations from the ATF that would turn millions of law-abiding citizens, including disabled combat veterans, into felons overnight.
Richard knows that our God-given rights ensure that Americans can own firearms for hunting, shooting sports, self-defense or any other lawful purpose. That’s why we can count on him to continue to be the Second Amendment champion in the halls of Congress.
Conservative congressional group backs Hudson’s concealed carry bill
Carolina Journal
Rep. Hudson: ATF’s Proposed AR-Pistol Rule a Tax on ‘Disabled Combat Veterans’