Congressman Hudson Releases Statement on 2022 Election Victory
SOUTHERN PINES – Congressman Richard Hudson released the following statement on his victory in North Carolina’s 9th Congressional District:
“Renee and I appreciate the outpouring of support throughout this campaign and I am honored for the opportunity to continue serving our community” said Rep. Hudson. “I now look forward to following through on our ‘Commitment to America’ to work towards an economy that’s strong, a nation that’s safe, a future built on freedom, and a government that’s accountable. As Fort Bragg’s Congressman, I will also continue to work every day for our veterans, our troops and their families.”
North Carolina’s 9th Congressional District includes Chatham, Cumberland, Harnett, Hoke, Lee, Moore, Randolph, Richmond, and Scotland Counties.
Congressman Richard Hudson Releases Statement on Primary Election Victory

Congressman Richard Hudson Endorsed by President Trump

Congressman Richard Hudson to File for Re-election
U.S. Congressman Richard Hudson, Fort Bragg’s Congressman, will file for re-election today in the new 9th Congressional District of North Carolina.
“As Fort Bragg’s Congressman, I have a proven track record as a conservative who knows how to get things done for our community,” said Hudson. “You can count on me to stand up to the mandates, threats to our Second Amendment, and big government socialist policies hurting our economy and your family. I look forward to remaining Fort Bragg’s Congressman and again earning the support of the people of the new 9th District.”
Hudson is currently or has previously represented 8 of the 9 counties in the newly-configured 9th District that includes Chatham, Cumberland, Harnett, Hoke, Lee, Moore, Randolph, Richmond, and Scotland Counties. He currently has district offices in Cumberland and Moore, and previously had an office in Richmond County.
Hudson has strong grassroots support from more than 3,300 donors and more than $1 million cash on hand.
Congressman Hudson Releases Statement on 2020 Election Victory
CONCORD – Congressman Richard Hudson (NC-08) released the following statement on his victory in North Carolina’s 8th Congressional District:
“I am honored and humbled for the opportunity to continue serving our community,” said Rep. Hudson. “As I vowed during this campaign, I will work for everyone in our community and continue focusing on priorities including rebuilding our economy and improving health care. As Fort Bragg’s Congressman, I will also continue to work every day for our veterans, our troops and their families.”
Last night, Congressman Hudson addressed supporters in Concord and thanked Patricia Timmons-Goodson for running a hard-fought campaign.

Hudson Has Record-Breaking Second Quarter Fundraising
CONCORD – U.S. Representative Richard Hudson (NC-08) today announced that his re-election campaign raised nearly $310,000 in the second quarter of 2017 with the vast majority of those donations coming from individuals in North Carolina. This is the second quarter in a row that he has raised over $300,000, bringing his total raised so far this cycle to $658,435.27.
Hudson’s campaign has raised more money from North Carolina donors in the first six months of this year than in any previous year.
“The generous support of my fellow North Carolinians means so much to me,” said Hudson. “It shows that the work we are doing to fight for commonsense, conservative values is really resonating with the folks at home, and they believe in our efforts.”
Hudson’s July 15 Second Quarter Report, filed Friday with the Federal Election Commission shows that during the period between April 1, 2017 and June 30, 2017, Congressman Hudson raised a total of $309,350.91. Over 86% of Congressman Hudson’s individual contributions came from North Carolina.
Hudson “Wholeheartedly” Endorsed by Lt. Gen. Boykin
CONCORD, N.C. – Today, U.S. Representative Richard Hudson (NC-08) was endorsed by Lieutenant General William G. “Jerry” Boykin. Lt. Gen. Boykin was one of the elite warriors chosen in 1978 to make up the first unit in America’s clandestine Delta Force. He then became commander of the unit, and later, commander of all U.S. Army Special Forces.
His thirty-six years in the military included a tour at the Central Intelligence Agency and clandestine missions around the world. Lt. Gen. Boykin then served at the Pentagon as the Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence.
“I’m honored to have such strong support from one of the most respected Generals of our time. I’m grateful for his trust and belief in the conservative work I’m doing to get our country back on track,” said Rep. Hudson. “I’m proud of my record fighting for our community, but there’s still a lot of work to do. I will continue to focus on finding common sense solutions that grow our economy, rein in reckless spending, empower businesses to create jobs, and make our country safer.”
Lt. Gen. Boykin is supporting Rep. Hudson for his “consistent commitment to conservative values, from reducing taxes, to reining in Washington’s wasteful spending and reducing the size of government.” In addition, Lt. Gen. Boykin applauded Rep. Hudson for his dedication to the care of our veterans and support of our military. The full endorsement letter is below and attached:
“Dear Rep. Hudson:
I am pleased to endorse you in the race for re-election to United States Congress in the 8th Congressional District of the state of North Carolina.
Your work ethic, dedication to public service, and experience on Capitol Hill have set you apart as precisely the kind of leader this nation needs. Your work as a legislator has been noted by many for its consistent commitment to conservative values, from reducing taxes, to reining in Washington’s wasteful spending and reducing the size of government.
Your congressional record supports a platform dedicated to the most fundamental freedom of Americans. From stronger screening for Syrian refugees, to the support of religious liberty, to preventing the abortion of pain-capable infants, you’ve demonstrated your continued commitment to the Constitution and the rule of law.
As a 36-year veteran of the U.S. Army, I am particularly pleased to note your dedication to the care of our veterans, and the safety of our borders. I commend the way in which you called upon the U.S. Air Force to provide additional airlift support for Special Operations units at Fort Bragg, understanding that these brave men and women are on the front lines in the protection of our nation against forces that seek to do us evil. Without support for these units, the very practice of our cherished freedoms could be compromised.
I wholeheartedly endorse you in your bid for re-election to North Carolina’s 8th Congressional District, and will encourage others who care about the preservation of our republic to do so as well.
LTG (Ret.) William Boykin
US Army Special Forces”

Hudson Files for Re-election
RALEIGH – U.S. Representative Richard Hudson (NC-08), one of the most conservative members of Congress, today officially submitted his paperwork to run for re-election.
“I’m running for re-election to continue to be a conservative, common sense voice for the people of North Carolina’s 8th District,” said Hudson.
Hudson continued, “Now more than ever, we need conservative leaders who will stand up to the Washington elites and fight for a smaller, more limited federal government that empowers small businesses to grow and provide good-paying jobs for folks across the state.
At a time when radical Islamic terrorists and evil regimes are threatening American security, we need leaders who will give the US military the support it needs to keep us safe. That’s what I’m fighting for and that’s why I want to continue to be a conservative leader for North Carolina.”
The 2016 Primary Election date is June 7th and the General Election is November 8th. National Journal rated Hudson the 12th most conservative member of the U.S. House of Representatives during the 113th Congress.

Cooper Wrong on Second Amendment
CONCORD, N.C. – Today, U.S. Representative Richard Hudson (NC-08) released the following statement responding to Attorney General Roy Cooper’s call for more gun control in North Carolina:
“I’m disappointed our chief law enforcement official is taking Nancy Pelosi’s lead and calling to suspend our constitutional right to due process. The fact is, everyday Americans could one day find themselves on the no-fly list just because they have a similar name as a suspected individual or because of a bureaucratic error. Roy Cooper is using a page from the Washington liberal playbook in another big-government effort to restrict the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens. This irresponsible, knee-jerk reaction distracts from common sense steps we’ve taken to protect Americans like strengthening security measures in both the visa waiver program and the refugee resettlement program.”

Bureaucracy holding business back
U.S. Rep. Richard Hudson, whose 8th District includes Robeson and Scotland counties, on Monday toured Cape Fear Arsenal in Lumberton as part of a four-business tour he will make this week of manufacturing companies in his district.
“I’m excited about the potential for this business to succeed and grow in Robeson County,” Hudson said. “I think the market is right at this time for this product.”
Located in a 72,000-square-foot building on Starlite Drive, the new business produces ammunition components and high quality projectiles. When operating at full capacity, 175 million rounds of ammunition will be produced each year. Within five years, the company is expected to employ about 204 workers.
Hudson said that more businesses like Cape Fear Arsenal would be successful if the federal tax code was changed to make American companies more competitive.
“We have to come up with new regulations for businesses that make sense,” he said. “There is no reason we can’t bring manufacturing back.”
Hudson’s “jobs plan” calls for less government regulations, less taxation, and less spending. The Hudson-sponsored SKILLS Act, which passed the House last March, includes modifications to workforce development programs that Hudson says will lend more high-tech skills to workers.
Hudson, the only Republican from North Carolina on the House Agriculture Committee, has introduced the “Farmers Against Crippling Taxes Act” to repeal the federal tax that family farms pay upon the death of a benefactor.
On Wednesday Hudson will visit Thermal Control Products in Concord, and Tyco in Monroe. At each stop he plans to discuss manufacturing and the growth of local economies.
Hudson, considered one of the most conservative members of Congress, has filed for his second two-year term.