• Moore Pilot: Richard Hudson for U.S. House

    “I’m comfortable in my own skin,” he says. “I’m not afraid to have a discussion with someone who has a different view.”

    He supports bipartisan legislation related to identifying new jobs needed in the energy sector; putting more money into “21st century cures” for disease research; and reforming mental health. And unlike Ellmers, who only ever advocated repeal of the Affordable Care Act, Hudson at least supports an alternative.

    Hudson over the years has learned that he can maintain certain core values, and yet compromise is not always a bad thing. “I’m willing to vote for a bill that has three things I don’t like,” he says, “if it has four things I do like.”

    We don’t — and won’t — agree on every issue with Hudson, but we believe there’s a better, more sensible nature to him that will serve Moore County well. He’ll ensure that, when a constituent calls his office for help, there won’t be an accompanying voter registration check.

    Richard Hudson will be a solid voice for Moore County in Congress.

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