Health Care
Concerned about the rising cost of health care and prescription drugs, Richard has led the charge to reform our broken health care system. As a member of the Energy and Commerce Committee, the committee charged with writing most of our nation’s health care laws, Richard has distinguished himself as a leader in health care who will pursue bipartisan solutions to the most pressing issues.
A remaining priority for Richard is dismantling the top-down, government-heavy approach of the Affordable Care Act. Richard has outlined his principles for reforming our health care laws—
- Maintain strict protections for consumers such as prohibiting annual or lifetime coverage limits, gender rating, and denying coverage based on pre-existing conditions.
- Providing assistance to individuals without employer-sponsored coverage to buy health insurance.
- Bolstering health savings accounts and allowing their use with high deductible plans.
- Increasing cost-transparency so patients can be better-informed consumers and hold our health care providers accountable for the prices they are charging.
- Following the COVID-19 pandemic, Richard was named the Republican leader on preparing our nation for the next pandemic. He introduced the Commitment to Defeat the Virus and Keep America Health Act to strengthen our national PPE stockpile and expand future vaccine development. Richard has also been a leader on combatting the opioid epidemic and has championed the Lower Costs, More Cures Act to boost innovation in health care.
Through bipartisan action, Richard is committed to improving our health care for every patient and family.
Bipartisan initiatives offer new hope in war against cancer
Carolina Journal