• Congressman Richard Hudson talks abortion, unity in Asheboro visit

    Dean-Paul Stephens

    The Courier-Tribune

    May 3, 2022

    Representative Richard Hudson talks with voters, Monday, in Asheboro.

    A number of conservative issues were front and center at Monday’s political luncheon which featured talks by Congressional representative Richard Hudson. 

    Hudson, along with public officials, candidates, and dozens of concerned citizens made the trip to Asheboro’s The Table Restaurant for the luncheon put on by the Faith and Freedom Coalition. a North Carolina-based political action group. 

    For Hudson, the incumbent for the District 9 race, the event served as an additional opportunity to get to know the people in his district before the elections later this year. 

    “I’m so blessed that I get to earn your votes and be your Congressman, here,” Hudson said, alluding to the months-long battle over North Carolina Congressional map. “I’m thrilled the way it worked out.” 

    Hudson’s talk emphasized a number of conservative issues including abortion, the supreme court, and the importance of mid-term elections, among others. 

    “I’m proud to work with you and be associated with you, the work you do matters,” Hudson said before moving on to one of the luncheon’s main topics of discussion. 

    “Despite all the things that are happening in this country, we are winning a few battles,” Hudson said before mentioning the Hyde Amendment, legislation that prohibits taxpayer funding for abortion services. “We are able to achieve some things but, overall, we need a lot more pro-life people in Congress.” 

    Hudson’s comments come in the midst of Roe v. Wade’s relitigation in the Supreme Court. Roe v. Wade was a Supreme Court case that established abortion as a constitutional medical procedure. 

    Since then, rolling back abortion access or outright eliminating the legal precedent established by the 1973 case has been a goal of pro-life lawmakers. 

    Hudson, who first joined Congress in 2013, talked about the difficulties of being a lawmaker. He talked about, what is widely perceived as, Congressional dysfunction. 

    “It is a mess in Congress right now,” Hudson said. “The question I get a lot when I’m on the street is ‘how do you go to Washington and deal with that?'” 

    Hudson said his faith plays a large part in the work that he does. He added that he regrets politics becoming as divisive as they have. 

    He said that ultimately, despite political differences, the country is stronger when everyone focuses on what makes us similar.

    “We are indivisible as a country,” Hudson said. “We’ve been strong and we’ve been so successful because we’ve been so indivisible.” 


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